Health Policy, Planning and Systems
Policy and planning refer to functions that must be developed and supported throughout the health system. All health staff need to understand what the health sector is trying to do in its overall policy and help promote community awareness of this vision for health.Health Financing
Technical assistance in health financing and economics includes continued assessment of the free essential care policy and related programmes, support for the National Health Financing Strategy, and support for capacity building in health financing at districtHuman Resources
The effectiveness of any health workforce is largely a result of the policies and systems used for planning, deployment and performance management, and their responsiveness to the changing labour market.Essential Health Care Services (EHCS)
Strengthening and expanding equitable delivery of Essential Health Care Services (EHCS) is central to NHSP-2.Thus, technical assistance must support the MOHP/Department of Health Services to build on the successes of the Support to Safe Motherhood Programme and the Health Sector Support Programme to ensure that gains made towards Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 are sustained and to support greater integration and improved quality of services in the delivery of EHCS at facility and community level.Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI)
Gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) are political priorities across Government in the New Nepal, and the Ministry of Health and Population’s Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Strategy (2009) is an important milestoneProcurement and Infrastructure
Well planned and managed infrastructure is essential to creating an enabling environment to provide quality health services and to motivate and retain skilled human resources. This includes ensuring the safety of service users and providers within health facilities.Monitoring and Evaluation
Sources of health sector information include Management Information Systems (MIS), disease surveillance, vital registration, census, sentinel reporting, surveys, rapid assessments, and research.